Indian Prime Minister Modi headed to Moscow, Vienna next week

Post Content
2024-07-04 17:23:58

In food banks across one town, people say they are desperate - and the election is failing to offer hope.
2024-07-01 19:07:55

Major UK High Street banks hit by payment issues

Many customers have complained on social media, with some saying their salaries have not been paid into their accounts.
2024-06-28 15:07:42

Russia says Indian Prime Minister Modi set to visit Moscow

Post Content
2024-06-25 17:07:54

HSBC joins UK banks in cutting mortgage rates

Some lenders are trimming rates after the Bank of England hinted about a drop in borrowing costs.
2024-06-25 15:08:41

Indian Premier Modi to Visit Russia, Kremlin Aide Says

Post Content
2024-06-25 11:08:54

India's Modi urges consensus as he relies on allies in new parliament

Post Content
2024-06-24 16:08:02

Will India's Booker Prize-winning author face jail for 14-year-old remark?

Post Content
2024-06-18 04:08:23

Analysis-Vietnam eyes greener power but banks on coal to avert blackouts

Post Content
2024-06-11 03:07:00

Megkezdte harmadik ciklusát India miniszterelnökeként Narendra Modi

Modit az indiai elnöki rezidencián iktatták be, miután pártja a vártnál rosszabb eredménnyel, de megnyerte a választást a világ legnépesebb országában.
2024-06-09 17:10:53

Megkezdte harmadik ciklusát India miniszterelnökeként Narendra Modi

Modit az indiai elnöki rezidencián iktatták be, miután pártja a vártnál rosszabb eredménnyel, de megnyerte a választást a világ legnépesebb országában.
2024-06-09 17:10:20

Narendra Modi sworn in for third term after narrow win

Modi's NDA alliance won the Indian election with a reduced margin while the opposition saw a resurgence.
2024-06-09 17:09:21

India's Election Results: 5 Surprising Takeaways

Post Content
2024-06-05 21:07:50

Modi party loses its absolute majority in India's general election

Post Content
2024-06-05 13:47:35

Bitcoin is surging as an inflation hedge, but don't count out gold either

Inflation concerns have led to more volatility in the stock and bond markets of late. That should be good news for gold, a tangible asset with a limited supply that often does well in times of inflation. Central banks can always print more money. Miners can't just magically create more gold.
2021-03-03 09:05:41

Igaz történet alapján készül film a medvéről, amelyik felfalt 30 kiló kokaint

Egy sporttáska mellett találták meg egy fekete medve tetemét egy georgiai nemzeti parkban 1985-ben. A tetem körül 40 üres zacskó hevert szanaszét ? írja az Independent című brit lap. A boncolás kiderítette, hogy a medve nagyjából 30 kilónyi kokaint falt fel. Ekkora mennyiség elfogyasztását egyetlen emlős állat sem élhette volna túl ? összegezte szakvéleményét a halottkém. Később kiderült, hogy egy Andrew Thornton nevű drogcsempész dobott ki 15 millió dollár értékű kábítószert egy kis Cessnából, amivel Kolumbiából repült haza, az Egyesült Államokba. Thornton, egy vagyonos lótenyésztő család sa...
2021-03-10 16:07:13

Food banks are bracing for shortages after Texas freeze killed many of the state's produce

A month after winter storms blanketed the Lone Star state with snow, leaving millions of people in the dark and without water, food banks are concerned there won't be enough produce for Texans in need.
2021-03-20 12:05:44

Free Pelotons and iPads: How Wall Street is fighting Covid burnout

To keep employees happy despite rampant stress and exhaustion during the pandemic, some Wall Street banks are handing out toys, gifts and perks.
2021-03-24 03:06:17

Many lives were changed by India's lockdown a year ago

2021-03-24 08:07:06

A US hedge fund is in trouble and big banks are taking a hit

Major global banks could be hit with billions of dollars in losses after a US investment firm was forced to dump shares last week when it got into financial trouble.
2021-03-29 12:06:05

Modi 'did not consult' before India lockdown

A BBC investigation finds that key ministries and states were not consulted ahead of the Covid lockdown.
2021-03-29 12:07:43

Major banks face billions in losses after little-known hedge fund's implosion

The names of the key players are different, but the lessons similar. The spectacular implosion of hedge fund Archegos Capital Management, much like the GameStop saga earlier this year, serves as a reminder of the dangers posed by extreme leverage, secret derivatives and rock-bottom interest rates.
2021-03-30 05:05:55

Philippines says illegal structures found on reefs near where Chinese boats swarmed

The Philippine military said Thursday it has discovered illegally built structures on features in the Union Banks, a series of reefs in the South China Sea near where Manila says Chinese maritime militia boats have been swarming in recent weeks.
2021-04-01 16:05:51

Anna Sorokin: Fake heiress detained by US immigration authorities

Sorokin is facing deportation to Germany after jail time for swindling banks and hotels in New York.
2021-04-02 19:08:18

New Zealand bill would require banks to disclose climate risks, in a world first

New Zealand is set to consider legislation that would require banks, insurers and asset managers to disclose the impacts of climate change on their businesses as the country tries to slash its carbon emissions.
2021-04-13 17:25:16

HSBC's CEO is swapping his office for a hot desk

HSBC is scrapping the executive floor at its Canary Wharf headquarters in London, as one of the world's biggest banks slashes office space and moves towards new ways of working following the pandemic.
2021-04-19 13:06:44

HSBC's CEO is swapping his office for a hot desk

HSBC is scrapping the executive floor at its Canary Wharf headquarters in London, as one of the world's biggest banks slashes office space and moves towards new ways of working following the pandemic.
2021-04-19 13:06:45

HSBC's CEO is swapping his office for a hot desk

HSBC is scrapping the executive floor at its Canary Wharf headquarters in London, as one of the world's biggest banks slashes office space and moves towards new ways of working following the pandemic.
2021-04-20 12:05:47

As bodies pile up, India's leaders face rising public anger over second wave

? Covid-19 latest: India recorded the highest ever daily rise in cases worldwide
2021-04-23 10:05:40

Twitter blocks posts in India critical of Modi's Covid response

Twitter has removed several tweets about Covid-19 at the request of the Indian government, including some that were critical of its handling of a brutal second wave of the coronavirus pandemic.
2021-04-26 13:05:42

Covid-19 exposed populist leaders like Modi and Trump

Among its deadly properties, Covid-19 appears perfectly engineered to destroy the houses of sand built by populist leaders.
2021-04-26 18:05:40

What Modi did in the lead up to India's catastrophic second wave

Three months after India's Prime Minster Narendra Modi's declaration of a win over Covid-19, the country is now in the grips of a devastating second wave, the healthcare infrastructure is at breaking point and an oxygen supply shortage compounding the death toll. Ivan Watson takes a look at the government's role in India's deepening Covid crisis.
2021-04-28 11:05:42

This journalist's tweets are disappearing. She explains why

CNN's Brianna Keilar speaks with Rana Ayyub, an investigative journalist and Washington Post columnist in India, about the unfolding coronavirus crisis in the country and the government's response under Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
2021-04-28 14:05:42

This journalist's tweets are disappearing. She explains why

CNN's Brianna Keilar speaks with Rana Ayyub, an investigative journalist and Washington Post columnist in India, about the unfolding coronavirus crisis in the country and the government's response under Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
2021-04-28 17:05:55

Politikai felelősségre vonás követheti a pusztító indiai vírusmutánst

Nem csak a vírus, a népharag is terjed. Sokak szerint a döntéshozók fejébe szállt a dicsőség.
2021-04-29 14:06:54

A kormány bukását követelik Indiában

Nem csak a vírus, a népharag is terjed. Sokak szerint a döntéshozók fejébe szállt a dicsőség.
2021-04-29 14:07:25

A Szputnyik V gyártója beperli a brazilokat rágalmazásért

Rágalmazás miatt jogi eljárást indítanak az orosz Szputnyik V koronavírus elleni vakcina gyártói a brazil gyógyszer-felügyeleti hatóság ellen. Azzal vádolják őket, hogy úgy terjesztettek hamis információt az oltóanyagról, hogy nem is tesztelték azt, írja a Guardian. A brazilok szaporodó vektorvírus miatt nem engedélyezték az orosz vakcina alkalmazását az országban. Az Ad5 vektorvírus rekombinációs esemény során újra visszanyerte a szaporodási képességét, ami azt jelenti, hogy képes lehet betegséget okozni a szervezetben. A Szputnyik V csütörtökön a hírekre a Twitter-oldalán reagált. Megosztot...
2021-04-29 17:06:18

BJP spokesman says 'the responsibility is ours' but claims the devastating second wave couldn't have been foreseen

Responsibility for the devastating second wave of Covid-19 now sweeping India belongs "first and foremost" to the government, according to Narendra Taneja, a spokesman for the ruling BJP party.
2021-04-30 00:05:43

China's Xi offers more help to India in message to Modi

2021-04-30 15:06:13

India's leader could have prevented his country's devastating Covid-19 crisis, critics say. He didn't

On April 17, ahead of a state election, a maskless Prime Minister Narendra Modi boasted to a sea of cheering supporters: "I've never ever seen such huge crowds at a rally."
2021-05-01 04:05:40

Prime Minister Narendra Modi could have prevented India's devastating Covid-19 crisis, critics say. He didn't

On April 17, ahead of a state election, a maskless Prime Minister Narendra Modi boasted to a sea of cheering supporters: "I've never ever seen such huge crowds at a rally."
2021-05-01 05:05:39

Critics say India's PM could have prevented a devastating Covid crisis. He didn't

On April 17, ahead of a state election, a maskless Prime Minister Narendra Modi boasted to a sea of cheering supporters: "I've never ever seen such huge crowds at a rally."
2021-05-02 02:05:45

Tizedik napja van 300 ezer felett a napi új fertőzöttek száma Indiában

Indiában rekordot döntött vasárnapra a koronavírus okozta napi új halesetek száma. Az 1,3 milliárd lakosú országban a betegségben 3689-en haltak meg, a napi új 392 488 fertőzöttel pedig 19,5 millióra nőtt a pozitívra teszteltek száma a járvány kezdete óta ? írja az MTI. A vasárnap már a negyedik egymást követő olyan nap, amikor a világjárvány második hullámában meghaladja a háromezret a SARS-CoV-2 nevű vírus okozta Covid-19-betegségben elhunytak száma. A járványnak vasárnapig összesen 215 542 halálos áldozata van Indiában. Szombaton India lett az első ország, amelyben az új esetek száma megha...
2021-05-02 12:05:58

A totális dráma közepette is lementek a választások

Narendra Modi bírálói szerint a kormányfő a választásokra összpontosít a járvány kezelése helyett.
2021-05-02 19:05:55

A totális dráma közepette is lementek a választások

Narendra Modi bírálói szerint a kormányfő a választásokra összpontosít a járvány kezelése helyett.
2021-05-02 19:06:27

India elections: Modi party defeated in battleground West Bengal

The BJP poured resources into West Bengal but it has been comfortably held by the incumbent.
2021-05-02 22:06:23

Prime Minister Modi's ruling party loses key election, but still makes gains despite India's Covid crisis

The incumbent chief minister's party in India's West Bengal state has defeated Prime Minister Narendra Modi's party in a state election held as the country's coronavirus pandemic surged to crisis levels.
2021-05-03 06:05:43

Social media is a lifeline for desperate Indians. And a threat for Modi

On most days, Network Capital, a business networking group with over 67,000 members on Facebook, focuses on providing its community with information on job vacancies, higher education, and careers.
2021-05-03 11:05:44

Covid in Varanasi: Anger rises as coronavirus rages in Modi's constituency

Many in Varanasi are asking where their MP - India's prime minister - is in their hour of need.
2021-05-04 03:06:09

Has Wall Street missed the boat on cryptocurrencies?

Big banks have changed their attitude toward cryptocurrencies in recent years, going from dismissive to cautiously interested. But Wall Street still isn't fully embracing digital currencies.
2021-05-04 11:05:46

Companies scramble to protect their workers from India's surge

Big banks and accounting firms do most of their business in New York, London, Hong Kong and Tokyo. But they wouldn't be able to function without their back offices, many of which are located in Covid-stricken India.
2021-05-05 11:05:47

Modi holds rally with thousands as virus rips through India

CNN's Clarissa Ward reports from New Delhi on the growing criticism of Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his failure to control a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic in India.
2021-05-05 22:05:42

Modi presses ahead with $1.8 billion parliament renovation even as Covid-19 ravages India

While hospitals plead for life-saving oxygen and Covid-19 patients die in their thousands, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi is pushing ahead with a $1.8 billion parliamentary revamp -- including a new home for the country's leader.
2021-05-07 02:05:40

A járvány utáni szociális kérdésekről tárgyalnak az uniós vezetők Portóban

A koronavírus okozta járványhelyzet, valamint az európai szociálpolitikai menetrend meghatározása szerepel az uniós tagországok állam-, illetve kormányfőinek a portugáliai Portóban, pénteken kezdődött kétnapos, nem hivatalos találkozójának középpontjában. Az első napon az uniós tagországok vezetői tanácskozást kezdtek az európai szociálpolitikai menetrend meghatározásának céljával. Az uniós szociálpolitikai irányvonalakat a következő évtizedre meghatározó menetend meghatározása mellett a tagállamok vezetői várhatóan megerősítik elkötelezettségüket a szociális jogok európai pillérének végrehaj...
2021-05-07 17:06:46


tegnap, 2 napja, 3 napja, 4 napja, 5 napja, 6 napja


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